Nursery Team: Mrs S Bevin (Class Teacher) & Mrs J Molloy (Class Teacher) and Mrs D Grayson, Mrs L Kinnear & Miss O Greenwood: Blog items

Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 7

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 8:28am


What an fabulous term we have had in Nursery! You have all been amazing!

On Monday we had so much fun exploring our magical frosty surroundings. The children used warm water to make marks in the frost and prepared ice windows. When the children returned the next morning, they were amazed to see the changes that happened over night. In the afternoon we enjoyed celebrating our ‘Christmas Cinema Experience’ arranged by Team TSP. The children watched a Christmas film all together and enjoyed a hot chocolate and some delicious snacks. Thank you so much to Team TSP for organising such a lovely afternoon for us.

The children have been very busy this week, creating Christmas cards for their family, making festive decorations and taking part in lots of different Christmas activities. Tinsel the Elf has been up to lots of mischief this week but has continued to leave a lovely Christmas book each day for us to read! What a fun week of learning we have had.

On Wednesday the children celebrated Christmas dinner day. Nursery all enjoyed getting in the festive spirit and eating all together with their friends. In the afternoon, the children had a very special visit from some cheeky elves! They were causing mischief in our outdoor area! They kindly left a little treat for all of the children. What an afternoon full of laughs, smiles and fun.

The children enjoyed listening to the ‘Story of Christmas’ and we talked about how Christmas is a special time to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. We attended the ‘WOW’ service on Wednesday at St Peter's church and Caroline and Anne talked to the children all about the importance of Christmas. On Thursday Caroline came into Nursery to talk to the children about the symbolism of the Cristingle and the children made their own Christingle. Thank you so much for coming in to talk to us this term, we have really enjoyed your sessions.

We have also updated out Virtual Classroom and the link can be found below.

We would like to thank you very much for all your kind wishes, cards and gifts. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team

Can you hear the ring of jingle bells? Love Reading 4 Kids have released their mid-December newsletter. There's still time to order your Christmas books; their Christmas Gift Guide is full of festive treats for all ages, and you can also find more ideas for your perfect presents in their round-up of the best fiction and non-fiction books of 2022. 


School returns on Wednesday 4th January 2023

Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 6

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 7:29pm


The countdown to Christmas begins!

Nursery you are all super stars! We are so proud of how well each and every one of you performed at the Christmas sing-a-long performance! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did.

Tinsel, the class elf, has been very mischievous this week. She has been climbing up displays, stringing toilet roll around the tree and making flour snow angels! I do wonder what she will be up to next week. Nursery have decided she must be a kind elf as each day she has left the children a lovely Christmas book to read. We have really enjoyed sitting together with our friends to enjoy a new story every day. Thank you so much Tinsel!

On Thursday morning Father Christmas and the elves came to collect Nursery to take part in the Santa Dash. The children really enjoyed running around the track following Father Christmas. Smiles and laughs all around! As part of Computer Science Education week, the children followed a set of instructions that lead to a prize. The children had to listen carefully to the instructions and work together as a team. Great work everyone!

We finished the week with our Christmas party and Christmas Jumper day. The children really enjoyed wearing their party clothes and dancing and singing their way through the day. The children enjoyed eating some delicious party food and playing party games. What fun we have had!

All library books will be collected in and the class library will resume after the Christmas break.



Monday 12th December: Christmas Movie day

Wednesday 14th December – Christmas WOW 2pm@ St Peter’s Church

Christmas Dinner Day.

Friday 16th December- School finishes at 1pm

Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 5

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 8:13am


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This week we have enjoyed learning all about ‘Birthdays’. We started the week by listening to ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ and discussed the different things that Kipper needed to do to prepare for his birthday party. Following on fron this, the Nursery children really enjoyed looking at their birthday celebration photographs and sharing their own experiences with the rest of the class. What fun everyone has had celebrating their birthday!

On Tuesday, the children came into the classroom to a special message from Ted, the class bear. He had written a letter to tell the children in Nursery that it is his birthday on Thursday and he would like the children to help to write invitations and plan his birthday party. Each of the children wrote an invitation and baked some delicious cakes, ready for the party. Each day we counted how many sleeps it was until Ted’s birthday party.

The 1st of December came and the children were thrilled with a surprise visitor who had come to Nursery. Our class Elf had arrived and left trails of glitter everywhere around the room. Elf had left a gift and a letter for the children in Nursery. After a long discussion we decided to call her ‘Tinsel’. She had requested that the Nursery children could use their helping hands to decorate the classroom and make it look like Christmas. We had so much fun working together to make our room sparkle.

Thursday came and it was time for Ted’s birthday party! The children gave Ted a lovely birthday gift of some new shoes and a guitar, which he had said he had always wanted. The children counted the number of candles that Ted had left for them and realised that it was Ted’s 4th Birthday. We ate the delicious cakes that the children had made in preparation, played pass the parcel and designed birthday cards. What a lovely birthday Ted had with all of his friends in Nursery.

To finish the week the children went to the Christmas Extravaganza and visited Santa’s Grotto. The children had so much fun exploring the different Christmas activities and visiting Santa to tell him what they would like him to bring for Christmas.

Nursery have all been super stars practicing for their Christmas sing-a-long this week. We have practiced on the big stage in the hall and can’t wait to perform for everyone next week!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week!

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team.



Thursday 8th December: Santa Dash- Children to wear appropriate footwear on this day.

Friday 9th December: Nursery Christmas sing-a-long/ Christmas Jumper day/ Christmas party

Monday 12th December: Christmas movie day

Wednesday 14th December – Christmas WOW 2pm@ St Peter’s Church

Christmas Dinner Day.

Friday 16th December- School finishes at 1pm

Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 4

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 1:15pm


What a fun time we are having in Nursery!

Nursery have been practicing for their Christmas songs for their upcoming sing-a-long. They can’t wait to perform in front of their family and friends!

This week we have enjoyed our new celebrations theme, ‘Hanukkah’. The children listened to the story, ‘Eight nights, Eight lights’ by Natalie Barnes and we discussed how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. The children enjoyed acting out a 'Hanukkah' celebration in our role play area and small world area. Throughout the story we found out that candles were lit each day for eight days and were placed on a special candle holder called a ‘Menorah’. We then talked about some interesting facts about Hanukkah and the children used their thinking caps to recall any facts they had learnt. We found out that during the celebration, there are different foods that are enjoyed, such as doughnuts and latkes. We even got to taste some delicious home-made latkes. Delicious! Later in the week the children created some beautiful hand print ‘Menorah’ paintings. Well done Nursery!

We ended the week reading a story all about different celebrations across the world called ‘Little glow’ by Katie Sahota. The children identified similarities and differences between ‘Diwali’, ‘Hanukkah’ and ‘Bonfire Night’. The children noticed that all three celebrations involved different sources of light. We set up a light and dark area in the room to explore if light can travel through different materials.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!


Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team. 


Please can your child practice zipping up their coat and putting their shoes/trainers on themselves. 

Talking homework: Relating to our theme 'celebrations', please can you have a conversation with your child about a celebration they have been to. 



Wednesday 30th November: Present room

Friday 2nd December – Team TSP Christmas Extravaganza

Thursday 8th December: Santa Dash- Children to wear appropriate footwear on this day.

Friday 9th December: Nursery Christmas sing-a-long/ Christmas Jumper day/ Christmas party

Monday 12th December: Christmas movie day

Wednesday 14th December – Christmas WOW 2pm@ St Peter’s Church

Friday 16th December- School finishes at 1pm

Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 3

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 5:10pm


We have had such a special week this week celebrating Kindness week.

We started the week by reading a lovely story called 'Kind' by Alison Green. We talked about what it means to be kind and how we could be kind to others around us. We then passed a heart stone around the circle and the children said something kind about another child in our Nursery class. We then talked about how being kind can be a way of saying thank you so discussed who we could say thank you to in our school. The children then made kindness cones which were filled with lovely treats for the special people that help us at school. We also watched our amazing 'Kindness' video, well done to everyone for taking part!

On Wednesday, we had our 'WOW' service at St Peter's church. Caroline and Anne talked to us about how we can be kind to others. Thank you so much for our lovely WOW service. On Thursday, Caroline then came to visit Nursery to talk to us all about kindness. Thank you Caroline!

We have also really enjoyed taking part in Nursey Rhyme Week this week. Each day we learnt a different Nursery rhyme and took part in lots of different activities such as making paper plate fish and BINGO finger puppets. On Wednesday we went over to Forest school and practised our Forest school rules and sat all together around the fire circle. The children enjoyed exploring their autumnal surroundings and went on a hunt for different coloured leaves. To link in without nursery rhyme of the day, 'Five little speckled frogs', the children were challenged to find lots of large green speckled leaves. We then put them all together next to a log to make 5 leaf speckled frogs. We practiced singing the rhyme and acted out the frogs jumping into the pool.  

On Friday we talked about 'Children in Need' and how we raise money to help children all over the UK. We talked about how 'Children in Need' works very hard to make children smile. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team. 


Please can the children practice zipping their coats up and putting their shoes/trainers on themselves at home?


Friday 9th December: Nursery Christmas sing-a-long (Tickets can be purchased on 'School Money')


Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 2

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 8:38am


What a busy week we have had! Nursery, you have all been amazing!

We have enjoyed learning about two celebrations this week, 'Bonfire night' and 'Diwali'. We talked about what happens during each celebration and the children discussed any similarities and differences between the two. The children really enjoyed talking about the amazing fireworks they had seen at the weekend so we decided to create our own firework paintings! They looked amazing! For the celeration of Diwali we read the story 'Binny's Diwali' and the children made their own paper plate diva lamps to celebrate the 'Festival of Light'. 

On Wednesday, we went to Forest School and learnt a very important rhyme to help us stay safe around fire, 'Fire, fire, never touch, it would hurt you very much!' The children were challenged to find a small stick and four fire coloured leaves to make leaf sparkler. We were so impressed with how sensible the children were at forest school. We had so much fun!

On Friday, we took part in a two minute silence for 'Remembrance Day' and we talked about why we wear a poppy to remember all of the brave soldiers that died or were injured at war. The children enjoyed lots of different 'Remembrance day' activities and created their own potato print poppy paintings.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley


'Love Reading for Kids' have released their early November newsletter. This includes a first look at their Christmas Books and Gift Guide which is full of great ideas for all readers. Books really do make the best presents so please do take a look!


Please can your child bring their library book back on their library day (See school spider for more information).

Wednesday 16th November- WOW 2pm @ St Peter’s Church


Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 2:24pm


We hope you all had a lovely half term break! It has been so lovely to have everyone back in Nursery this week!

Our focus book this week was ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. The children have really enjoyed listening to the story and acting it out in the home corner using the props and costumes. It has been a delight to also see the children using their imagination to come up with their own stories and cast their own spells. We then worked together to sequence the story using cards and the children completed their own flow map to help them recall what had happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. We have had so much fun exploring all of our 'Room on the Broom' themed learning areas. We even got to create our own potions, spells and magic wands!

We had a really exciting visit from Beth from the Pumpkin Patch who talked to us all about the wonderful world of pumpkins. We learnt all about the different types of pumpkins, how they grow and the life cycle of a Pumpkin. We have loved exploring all of the different pumpkins in Nursery this week. Thank you Beth!

We have been twirling, wiggling, jumping and galloping our way through this week, taking part in our whole school kindness video. We had so much fun dressing up in our costumes and accessories ready to show our moves on our bright sparkly stage and in our outdoor area. Nursery were all super stars showing their confidence and willingness to join in. What amazing dancers you all are!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!


Best wishes,

Miss Dalley


Can you please ensure that a spare change of clothes is provided and if any school clothing has been used whilst changing it is returned. 

Can your child also please practice tucking in their polo shirt into their trousers. We say 'Pull waist out and push top down all around' if this helps you.


Nursery Talking Homework:

Can the children retell the story ‘Room on the Broom’ to family and friends?



Please can you ensure that your child's book from the lending library, is returned next week on their library day.

P.E days will continue to be on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child wears trainers on these days.

Wednesday 16th November – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church


Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 3:37pm

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What a busy week of learning we have had!

To celebrate 'World Food Day' we sat together and read a lovely book called 'Handa’s surprise'. We re-created Handa’s basket of fruit and the children discovered all the different types of fruit inside. The children were so curious about what they could see, so we decided to taste it during snack time! 

On Tuesday, Nursery had their first PE lesson with the large climbing equipment. We were so impressed with how well Nursery followed the rules in the hall when using the apparatus. The children were so brave and didn’t give up trying, even when they found it difficult. We saw some amazing balancing and climbing skills. Fabulous effort nursery!

As part of Black history month the children have enjoyed learning all about Rosa Parks.  We read the 'Little People, Big Dreams' book and talked all about what happened in Rosa's life. We discussed Rosa’s bravery and how we would feel if we weren’t allowed on the bus. 

Nursery attended the 'WOW' service at St Peter’s church and listened to Anne and Caroline speak to us all about thankfulness. One of the children from Nursery went up to the front and carefully lit the special candle in church. Nursery used their fantastic singing voices to join in with ‘He’s got the whole world’ and ‘Our God’. Well done everyone!

Nursery had so much fun at Forest school this week. The children walked sensibly over the road and down the path, two by two, into the forest. When we arrived the children recapped the rules and practiced leaving the fire circle safely, before venturing into the forest to play hide and seek. We listened to environmental sounds and explored our Autumnal surroundings. We were so impressed at the fantastic listening skills from all of the Nursery children. Nursery you are all amazing!

As part of walk to school month we reminded ourselves of the importance of road safety especially in the darker months. We discussed how to stay safe when crossing the road and make sure we are always holding an adults hand. 

Have a fantastic half term break, see you all soon!

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team


The virtual classroom has been updated and the link is below.


Monday 31st October- Back to school.


Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 6

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 1:56pm




What a busy week we have had in Nursery! 

We started our week by designing our own yellow flag to be part of the positivity pathway for 'Hello Yellow' day. We read a lovely story called ‘In my Heart’ and talked all about our feelings. The children thought about what their heart might look like if it’s feeling that way. We then came together with all of our lovely friends and walked through the positivity pathway.  

On Tuesday we read ‘Leaf man’ and talked about Leaf man’s exciting adventures as he moved from place to place when the wind blew. We had a look at the different Autumn leaves featured in the book and talked about what type of tree they came from. The children identified the different colours of the autumn leaves and described their shape and size. The children used their helping hands to gather some more leaves for our autumn treasure tray and then had a go at making their own leaf man. The pictures look fantastic!

Nursery got their aprons on and wooden spoons ready this week to make some Autumn leaf biscuits. After identifying the leaves in the ‘Leaf man’ book, we decided to make maple leaf biscuits. First, the children identified the different colours that they could see in the maple leaves. They then worked in groups to make green, red and yellow biscuit dough which was mixed together and rolled out using rolling pins. The children thoroughly enjoyed baking their own biscuits and I must say they were delicious! What great bakers you all are! 

On Wednesday Nursery took part in their first forest school. The children got their puddle suits and wellies on and walked two by two to the forest school log circle. The children listened to instructions and rules, before practicing how to move around the fire circle safely. The children were then set a challenge to leave the fire circle and find some flat autumn leaves to build a leaf tower. We were so impressed at how safely the children moved around the fire circle and listened to instructions. We had so much fun! 

We ended the week with pyjama day to raise money for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. We talked about how amazing the doctors and nurses are that work and the children’s hospital, helping to make everyone feel better. To end a busy week made our classroom into a den and read our favourite stories.  

It has been really lovely chatting to yourselves this week and I hope you can celebrate how well your child has settled into nursery. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!


Best wishes, 

Miss Dalley and the Nursery Team


Please can you encourage your children to practice putting their coats, shoes and trainers on themselves at home.  

PE will now take place on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child is wearing trainers to school on these days.



Wednesday 19th October – Wow Service, 2pm at St Peters Church 

Friday 21st October – Term Ends

Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 8:27am


We have had such a fun week in Nursery!

We started the week by exploring all the lovely Autumn treasures that the children had collected over the weekend. The children identified what they had found and where they found them. The children then used our information books to discover what some unfamiliar Autumnal items were. We were so impressed with the questions the children asked which showed lots of curiosity. The children then used lots of the lovely autumnal finds to create some colourful pictures. They used leaves, pine cones and conkers to print using paint.

We all sat together and read a lovely story called ‘Peace at Last’ and discussed bedtime routines. We identified some unfamiliar vocabulary such as ‘nocturnal’ and talked about what it means. We then looked at some of the pictures of the children, all ready for bed at night time and they told the class what their routine was. Later in the week the children came into the classroom to a special task. The children were challenged to go on a hunt around the room to find items associated with bed time and day time. The children then use their knowledge to sort the items into the right category. Fabulous sorting skills everyone!

We had a very special delivery from the pumpkin patch with lots of different pumpkins of different sizes, shapes and colour. The children identified which one was the smallest and which was the biggest. The children learnt about where pumpkins grow and the different ones that can be eaten. The children were so intrigued about the edible pumpkins that we decided to chop them up and cook them. The children then tasted the delicious pumpkin, topped with spices at snack time. Delicious!

On Thursday we celebrated National poetry day and read ‘Mr Magnolia’ by Quentin Blake. The children discovered that Mr Magnolia (Miss Dalley) only had one boot. The children then went on a hunt in the outdoor area to find the missing boot! Everyone worked together as a team to search in the outdoor area and they were so delighted when they found it. Thank you so much everyone, I don't know how it got outside! The children then had a go at dressing up as Mr Magnolia with his one boot, bow tie, scarf and flute. The children even designed their own boot using lots of different materials. What a fun day we had!

We are so pleased with how well the children have settled in, and we look forward to lots more fun in Nursery!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week.


Best wishes,

Miss Dalley

Please can you ensure that all your children's clothes, including shoes, are clearly labelled and a spare change of clothes is provided.


Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th October - Parent teacher meetings 

Friday 14th October - Alder Hey Pyjama Day

Wednesday 19th October - Wow service, 2pm at St Peter's Church


Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 4

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 4:38pm



What a lovely week we have had in Nursery.

We started the week by listening carefully to the different sounds we could make when drumming outside on various equipment. The children were then challenged to identify the sounds that they heard outside and discussed what their favourite sound was. Amazing listening skills Nursery!

On Monday we dropped everything we were doing to read some of our favourite books for Readathon. The children were able to choose their own book and discuss what they could see. We loved pausing our day to read lots of exciting books. For our mini topic, 'Home', we had a look at lots of different types of homes and their features. We then looked at some of the children's homes and they really enjoyed identifying their own. The children then talked about who is in their family and what their home looks like. Some children even painted a picture or created a collage of their home using a photograph to help them. 

On Tuesday, Nursery demonstrated their fantastic movement and balancing skills in PE. They all had a go at balancing a beanbag on their head whilst walking around the room. We talked about always trying your best and never giving up, just like our 'SHINE' teddy, Leo. It was amazing to see the determination from the children and the joy in their success.

We had a special visit from Caroline on Thursday for our Godly Play. She came to tell us a bible story that had an important message. We had a discussion about what the children are good at and how they can use their special talents to help, care and look after other people, just like Jesus wants us to. The children came up with ideas about how we can all look after eachother. We learnt that we are all unique and have our own special talents. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team


Can you please ensure all of your child's clothing is clearly labelled and a spare pair of clothes is provided.


Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 3

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 4:22pm


We are so proud of how amazing Nursery have been this week!

Nursery took part in their first ‘WOW’ service this week which was all about Harvest. Caroline collected in the kind donations from Nursery, for the food bank, and told us all about the importance of Harvest. The children really enjoyed singing and dancing to the songs, ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’ and ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow.’ Nursery, we were so impressed with your fantastic singing voices. 

At the start of the week, we read the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children really enjoyed listening to the story and acting out the events in the home corner. We learnt all about how bread is made and where the ingredients come from. The children were so eager to make their own bread, so they got their baking aprons on and baked some delicious white rolls. We truly have some fantastic bakers here in Nursery! The Nursery showed how kind and caring they were by baking some extra bread for the teachers in our school. On Friday afternoon we went with Cuddles, who represents our SHINE value Nurture; to deliver our bread rolls to Mrs Pringle, Mrs Meredith, Mr McCabe and Mr King. They were so pleased with the delicious gift they recieved from Nursery. 

We finished the week by finding out about lots of different vegetables and where they grow. We had a go at using them to print with paint, to create patterns and colourful pictures! We have had a very jolly Friday afternoon, making a train in the classroom. We sang some songs and thought about where it could take us. We are having so much fun in Nursery, with smiles all around! 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, see you all next week!
Best Wishes,
Miss Dalley and the Nursery team.
Can you please ensure that all of your children's clothing and shoes are clearly labelled and a spare change of clothes is provided.
Tuesday 27th September - Welcome and Introductory meeting at 3:30pm. Please see the letter on School spider for more information.

Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 2

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 4:36pm


What a busy week we have had in Nursery! 

On Monday, Nursery received a mysterious note asking them to help to find a set of special keys. We all had to get our thinking caps on to solve the little clues that were left all around the outdoor area. The special keys were hiding at the front of the pirate ship, with a glitter trail leading to a magic door covered in flowers. We were so impressed by the great problem solving skills the children demonstrated. The door lead to a conversation about our theme ‘Encanto’ and we talked about the special gifts the characters in Encanto had. The children discussed what they are good at and what makes them special. 

On Tuesday it was Roald Dahl day and we read the book ‘Revolting Things to Touch and Feel'. We talked about what 'revolting' means and the children were able to go and make their own gruesome, revolting potions in the water tray. In the outdoor area the children made some muddy meals in the mud kitchen with some revolting ingredients. We had a look at the ‘lumpy bumpy crocodile’ in the story and  talked out the difference between soft and smooth and lumpy and bumpy. The children then were challenged to sort some items into smooth and bumpy on the carpet. 

To celebrate International Dot Day, we took part in lots of dotty activities with our friends in Reception class. We came together in the morning to read the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds. We talked about how the children can all make their mark and be creative in many different ways. The children all had a go at making a mark in paint on a large scale sheet and created some dot paintings inside with a variety of different sized materials. They then had to try and dig and find some dots that were hiding in the sandpit, working together with our friends.

We finished the week talking about the lovely friends we have made in our class and who is special to us. We read the story ‘We are all Wonders’ and learnt that we are all special in our own way and we all 'SHINE'. We even made a little marshmallow friend to take home!

We look forward to seeing everyone next week.

Best wishes, 

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team.


Wednesday 21st September- Wow service 2pm at St Peters Church

Wednesday 21st September- Individual School Photographs

Tuesday 27th September- Nursery Welcome and Introductory meeting, 3:30 via zoom.

Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:56pm




What an amazing first week back! We can't believe how well the children have settled in.

This week the children have enjoyed exploring the equipment and activities such as the bikes, the pirate ship, drums and mud kitchen. We have had so much fun!

We found a special parcel on Thursday and string all around the classroom. Inside was a book called 'The Invisible String' by Patrice Karst. We talked about how the people we love are always connected to us no matter where we are. The children then made two bracelets, one for them and one for someone they love. 

After a very busy week, we spent some time on Friday afternoon reflecting on what we have enjoyed doing and shared some news.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!

From Miss Dalley and the Nursery team.

Quick reminders:

Tuesday is PE day, so please remember that the children are to come to school in trainers.

If you haven't done so already, please can you send the children in with their labelled puddle suit and wellies.

Please can you make sure that all the children's belongings are labelled clearly with their name. 

Nursery - Summer 2 - Week 6

Date: 12th Jul 2022 @ 2:23pm


Wow, what a super end to what has been a truly amazing year!!

On Wednesday, we went to St Peter’s Church for our final ‘WOW’ service of the year. The Reception children lead the service, as it is the last time they will attend WOW before they move on to Year 1! The children talked about their memories of Foundation stage and the fantastic memories they have. Thank you, Caroline and Anne for all your hard work over the year; we really do appreciate all your help and support.

The children also enjoyed talking about their memories of Nursery, one of the firm favourites was 'Trinity Spa' so on Thursday this made a return, the children were treated to a foot spa and hand massages what a treat. Throughout the year the children have listened to the tales of 'Betty' Mrs Molloy's dog. This week Betty along with Mrs Molloy's son came to visit the children, they were so excited to meet her and stroke her, what a treat!

For the final day the children were treated to a party day, they played pass the parcel, musical statues and many other party games all finished off with and ice-cream station for snack. What super fun and happy memories were made! 

We would like to say we have had a truly amazing year and are incredibly proud of all the children in Nursery. A big thank you also for all your kind gifts and support this year, we hope you enjoy a well-deserved summer break and look forward to seeing everyone in September.

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and all Nursery Staff


School starts – Monday 5th September 2022

Nursery A week2.JPG      Forest School Photo 2.jpeg  !Summer2week3.JPG

Nursery - Summer 2 - Week 5

Date: 6th Jul 2022 @ 11:30am


The weeks are now running away with us!

On Tuesday, we made a visit to the school Scholastic book fair and enjoyed exploring all of the books available to buy. We then sat and enjoyed listening to a story, what a lovely experience.

We have continued with our ‘Toys’ theme talking about our favourite toys and what makes them so special. Thank you to all of you who had sent in a picture of your child with their favourite toy, they used these images to help them write about their toy. We also enjoyed learning about old and new toys and looked at how toys had changed over time. The small ‘Jack in the box’ was a firm favourite, we even enjoyed learning a little rhyme about it.

Each year, there is a summer reading challenge for the children to join either at the local library or online. We encourage all our pupils to take part if possible so they can continue to enjoy their love of reading over the summer and earn rewards as they complete the challenge. Children who complete the challenge receive certificates from the library which are presented in school when they return in September.

The caterpillars have emerged from their cocoon and are beautiful butterflies! We enjoyed watching them feed from sugar solution and fruit provied before releasing them in the outdoor area.

In preparation for the next academic year, please see 'Nursery and Reception Successful Start' PowerPoint, which can be found at the end of this blog.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Wednesday 13th July WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 15th July Term ends @ 1pm

Nursery - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 11:05am



WOW! What a busy but very exciting week we have had.

On Monday we had a very special Forest school celebration. Mrs Bevin made a fire in our outside area and we used special extendable forks to make our very own ‘S’mores’. We had to carefully remember our forest school rules what a truly amazing experience and a special treat.

On Wednesday morning we took part in our Sports Day, we arrived all excited and then made our way to the field where we took part in a running race, egg and spoon race and a sack race. What super fun we had! We were even treated to an ice lolly when we had finished.

On Wednesday afternoon, we made our way to St Peter’s Church for our WOW service, Caroline and Anne talked to the children all about St Peter. We cannot believe we only have one service left for this year! Thank you again to Caroline and Anne for all your hard work and support,

We have continued with our ‘Toys’ theme looking at and discussing different types of toys, how they work and what they are made of. We looked at a selection of toys and encouraged the children to talk about what they could see – describing the different shapes and colours and making links to their own experiences of playing with toys.

The caterpillars are now in their cocoon and we are patiently waiting to see what happens next!

Our school book fair is currently taking place in the school portacabin and is open from 3.05pm to 3.30pm each day after school until next Wednesday 6th July. All purchases made, result in more books for our class libraries! Please do support us if you are able to, and thank you to those of you who have supported this event already. Your support is very much appreciated.


Enjoy the weekend.


Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Wednesday 13th July WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 15th July Term ends @ 1pm

Nursery - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 2:23pm



WOW! The weeks are flying by and we are having the best time in Nursery.

On Friday Morning we were excited to welcome Caroline to the class who came to tell the children a story from the Bible through ‘Godly Play’. This week she talked about 'Prayer' Thank you to Caroline we do love it when she visits

On Tuesday we took part in a sport relief ‘Lap of Hope’. This was to celebrate this summer’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, National Sports Week and National Music Day. The children completed a few laps around the outdoor area carrying a decorated purple heart in hand, this represented our school value of Hope. The children also thought about what they hope the world would be like in the future.

We have started a new theme all about ‘Toys’ and on Wednesday were left a challenge from Fuzzy the Bear where we had to find all of the different jigsaw pieces and then work together as a team to put them back together again. The children then enjoyed looking at the jigsaw and discussing all of the different toys they could find. The children are really enjoying talking about toys and we can’t wait to see where are learning takes us!

The caterpillars are still with us and growing bigger each day, they certainly are like ‘The Hungry Caterpillar!'

Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

  • Wednesday 29th June – Sports Day 9:15am
  • Wednesday 29th June WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
  • Wednesday 13th July WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
  • Friday 15th July Term ends @ 1pm

Nursery - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 15th Jun 2022 @ 8:18pm



Well, yet again the Nursey children have made us incredibly proud! A big well done to each and every one of them.

On Tuesday we were visited by the author Sean Perkins, he spoke to the children about his new book ‘Oscar and Ben’ by introducing the characters, reading the story and singing a song. The children loved every minute of his storytelling!

On Wednesday, we enjoyed our class trip to Imagine That, the children were so well behaved that even the staff commented on their behaviour. We had the most amazing time exploring the Science Zone, Imagination Village, making slime and our very own snow. We then went onto make a bath bomb, play in the outdoor Dino Dig area and finally paint a magnet. We are sure they all slept well for you as it was such a busy day!

We have continued to learn all about sunflowers, we began the week by thinking about what makes a good pot? Why do the seeds need a pot and do all seeds need a pot? We then had to think about how many pots we would need for each person to be able to plant a seed. Using pictures of themselves and our five frames the children were able to identify how many pots we would need. We have also enjoyed talking about seeds and where seeds come from, the children explored a selection of different fruit looking for seeds and finding out id all seeds look the same! The children have enjoyed planting their very own sunflower seed and we can’t wait to watch them grow.

We were also lucky to have a delivery of caterpillars to school this week, they are very tiny! We are going to watch them closely and look after them to see what happens as they grow and change, keep an eye on our twitter for updates!

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream


Friday 24th June - Mufti for the summer fair

Wednesday 29th June – Sports Day 9:15am

Wednesday 29th June -  WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Nursery - Summer2 - Week 1

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 8:43am


Welcome back after a fabulous half term, it has been so lovely listening to all of the children’s half term news !

In Forest school this week, the children spent some time remembering our Forest school rules, they then were set a challenge to create their own mud faces on the trees around them using only natural materials. This was great fun and the faces the children made were amazing, the children certainly were very proud of them!

For the next two weeks we are going to be learning all about sunflowers, answering questions such as; What do sunflowers look like? Do all sunflowers look the same? Where do sunflowers grow? We have started to look at different images of sunflowers and thought about what we noticed and what we liked about the different images. The children also enjoyed learning all about Vincent Van Gough and his famous art work ‘Sunflowers’, they then spent some time looking closely at the different colours shapes and patterns they could see in different sunflower pictures. The children created their own sunflower pictures that are displayed in our classroom. Some of the children simply enjoyed exploring with different colours and patterns they had noticed! Super work Nursery.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

 Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Wednesday 15th June – Imagine That Class Trip

 Mufti Days:

  • Friday 17th June Bottles for the tombola
  • Friday 24th June Mufti for the summer fair
  • Friday 25th June – Summer Fair

Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 6

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 4:15pm


Well we have had a truly wonderful week in Nursery and can not believe it is half term already!

On Wednesday we had our WOW service led by Caroline. She talked to us all about Jesus and his special friends who were called ‘The Disciples’, Caroline talked to us about how Jesus had chosen his special friends. Thank you so much for all your hard work Caroline and we look forward to seeing you after the holidays.

In Forest school this week, the children spent some time remembering our Forest school rules, they then took their time looking around the environment to see if they could find different nature items that would be suitable to make a Nature Crown. The crowns looked amazing and we hope you liked them, the children certainly were very proud of them!

This week we have loved learning all about ‘The Queen’ and why we are celebrating her Platinum Jubilee, there have been lots of different activities for the children to enjoy. They have made a crown from clay, painted portraits of ‘The Queen’ and even made jam tarts. The children ended the week with their very own Jubilee picnic where they ate jam sandwiches, which we believe are a firm favourite with ‘The Queen’. The children have also spent some time making a card for her which we are going to send in the post.

The children have also spent some time this week talking about families and how all our families are made up of different people, some of the children don’t have any brothers or sisters and some of the children do. We also discussed how there may be different people who live in our house and that this is ok. All families are unique and each family is special. We reminded the children how they are all special and unique, all having different gifts and talents to offer.

Love Reading have issued their Mid-May Newsletter; please see many more top-read recommendations you may wish to explore with your child/ren. Happy reading!

We hope you all have a fun filled half term.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

Return to School Monday 6th June

Wednesday 15th June – Imagine That Class Trip

Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 5

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 1:16pm

Summer1week 5.JPG

What a fun time we have had this week.

On Thursday we were delighted to see Caroline from Church who had come to school for our Godly Play time. Caroline talked about friends and how Jesus chose his special friends. Thank you so much Caroline and we will see you at church next week for WOW.

In Forest school this week, the children spent some time looking around the environment for different coloured natural items for example bark, leaves, flowers, and items that have been made. Once the children had collected the different items they worked together to create a colourful display of all the things they had found! Great team work Nursery well done.

We have continued to learn about ‘Under the Sea’. We have spent this week learning all about ‘Dolphins’. The children enjoyed learning all about Dolphins and talked about how important it is to look after the oceans and keep all of the sea creatures safe. The children particularly enjoyed pretending to be Dolphins and balancing beanbags on different parts of their body.

We have been having a fantastic time in or outdoor area, thank you to Mr and Mrs Grayson who fitted our very own wooden xylophone.  We have also enjoyed planting beetroot, carrots, peas and pumpkin seeds in our allotment. We can’t wait to look after them and see what grows! Many thanks to all of those parents who have also donated plants and resources for us to use we are sure you will agree it is looking amazing!

Please see the book recommendations provided this month from the charity 'Read for Good'. There is a book for all ages from 3-11 to perhaps inspire the next book purchase or local library loan. Happy reading!

We hope you all have a fun filled weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

25th May – WOW Service 2pm St Peter’s Church

27th May – Finish for half term

Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 8:08pm


Well the weeks are flying by in Nursery, we are having so much fun!

In Forest school this week, the children spent some time listening to the natural sounds around them and identifying the different sounds they heard. The children then thought about how to create their own nature sound using the natural resources around them or their own voices. This exercise encouraged the children to be mindful of their natural environment.

We have continued to learn about ‘Under the Sea’. We have spent this week learning all about ‘Turtles’. The children created their own turtle from a paper plate whilst in the making area and even enjoyed learning a new rhyme ‘I have a little Turtle’ why not see if they can remember the rhyme and teach you the actions? We have learnt lots of new vocabulary linked to Turtles such as reptile and vertebrae, we also enjoyed listening to one of the members from our class who had seen large Turtles on her holiday! We ended the week by learning a new game called ‘Turtle Tick’. What great fun we had pretending to be turtles!!

We hope you all have a fun filled weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

17th May – Bag to School 9am

25th May – WOW Service 2pm St Peter’s Church

27th May – Finish for half term

Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 3

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 5:12pm



What a mer-mazing time we have had in Nursery this week!

We have continued to learn about ‘Under the Sea’. We enjoyed learning all about ‘Mermaids’, we were very excited to discover a letter from Merissa the Mermaid who needed our help. She had lost her scales from her Mermaid tail and needed our help to find a suitable material to make new scales. What fun we had experimenting with lots of different materials we even received a reply from Marissa thanking us for our help! We also enjoyed listening to the story ‘Julian is a Mermaid’ by Jessica Love, this beautiful story allowed us the opportunity to talk about objects and activities that we value the most and how we would feel if we were not allowed to enjoy them or do these things anymore?  Whilst playing outside we learnt to play a super game called Mermaid dash.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

17th May – Bag to School 9am

Nursery - Summer1 - Week 2

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 2:12pm


Phew what a busy week we have had!!!

On Wednesday we attended St Peter’s Church for our WOW service, this week Caroline and Anne told the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’, and talked about friends and how Jesus is everyones friend. Thank you both for your hard work!

Using the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ as a stimulus, we have also continued to learn about  ‘Under the Sea’. This week we enjoyed learning all about ‘Octopus’, we took part in a groovy Octopus dance and even created a large Octopus in our classroom, did you know that Octopus had three hearts? The children also enjoyed taking part in a special ‘Under the Sea’ PE lesson where they moved like different sea creatures, swimming as fast as a Dolphin was one of our favourites!

On Thursday morning we were treated to a PE session led by Liam from Ultimate Kids sports club. The children enjoyed moving around the field in lots of different ways, ending the session by pretending to be frogs and jumping over Lilly pads. Thank you to all involved we certainly did have a fabulous time.

We hope you all enjoy the bank holiday weekend!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream